Daily News Briefs
William J. Knight has been appointed CFO of
Bruker BioSciences Corp., effective Oct. 25. Knight was formerly CFO of Anika Therapeutics Inc., a Woburn, Mass., medical device company. Bruker BioSciences, of Billerica, is the parent company of Bruker AXS Inc. and Bruker Daltonics Inc.
. . . The North American market for high-performance ceramic coatings services, currently estimated at $1.1 billion, is expected to increase to $1.6 billion by 2009, at an average annual growth rate of 7.6 percent, according to
Business Communications Company Inc., a Norwalk, Conn., analysis firm, in its report, "RGB-111N High Performance Ceramic Coatings: Markets and Technology." For more information, visit:
www.bccresearch.com . . . Jmar Technologies Inc. has appointed
Doug Cheng to lead the expansion of its operations and manufacturing center in Burlington, Vt. As vice president of operations, Cheng will assume the management of Jmar's Vermont-based production activities from Dan Fleming, general manager, who directed the Systems Division's x-ray lithography development work. Cheng will oversee preparations for the manufacture of BioSentry, a laser-based early-warning system for detecting and classifying potentially harmful microorganisms in water supplies. Cheng was formerly plant manager at Dynapower Corp. Jmar makes laser-based equipment for imaging, analysis and fabrication at the nanoscale.
. . . Universal Display Corp., a Ewing, N.J.-based developer of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technologies for flat panel displays, lighting and other opto-electronic applications, announced it has been awarded a $750,000 Small Business Innovation Research Phase II contract from the US Department of Energy to continue to develop its OLED technology for energy-efficient white lighting.