"There was nothing in the [optics] literature to predict that this would happen," said Sandia National Laboratories researcher Dustin Carr of his group's device, which reflects a bright light from a very small moving object.
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corp., a Lockheed Martin company, for the US Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Carr, who earlier gained fame as a graduate student at Cornell for his creation of a nanoguitar, was selected this week by MIT's science magazine Technology Review as one of the year's top 100 researchers under the age of 35.
The patent-applied-for device will be the subject of a talk by Sandia team member Bianca Keeler at the SPIE Optics East convention, to be held Oct. 23–28 in Philadelphia.
"In standard MEMS (microelectromechanical) applications, though the devices are small, very few things that sell are dominated by a search for further miniaturization. There's not a motivation in MEMS to make things still smaller as a matter of cost. Economics of scale for integrated circuits just don't apply to MEMS. But our device couldn't exist unless you made it this small," he said.
Features are in the 100-200 nanometer range, with 300 nm between top and bottom combs and 600 to 900 nm between comb teeth. Sub-wavelength interference effects cause the visual display.
"Making use of the effect is fairly obvious once you realize it happens," Carr said.
The measuring device, still in the laboratory stage, is in effect a kind of accelerometer, about the size of the inexpensive microelectromechanical devices that open automobile air bags. Fabricated by the same processes that mass-produce silicon computer chips, the device has multiple possible uses.
"If you can make very sensitive detectors very cheaply and very small, there are huge applications," said Carr. "Made small, synchronized, cheap and placed on every block, we could take data from all these sensors at once and measure the motion of the earth when there's not an earthquake. So we could learn what leads up to one."
Another use would be for skid and traction control in cars, detecting if the back end of the car is moving in a different direction from the front end.
"Such devices also could take the place of inertial navigation systems," Carr said. These typically require large gyroscopes to keep commercial airplanes moving on a preset course. "We could have handheld-sized devices on Volkswagens that would work even in a tunnel."
Other defense applications are possible, he said. He estimated it will be three to five years before the devices are available for use.
James Walker, former Director of Advanced Technologies at Tellium Inc., former manager of the MEMS Network Element Sub-systems Group at Lucent, Bell Laboratories and now an independent consultant and patent agent, said, "To my understanding, it is the first time anyone has tried to manipulate the optical near-field region in order to affect changes to the far-field characteristics of a grating. The ability to do this is a direct result of the nanoscale nature of the device. Due to its high responsivity-to-displacement ratio, I see it having significant, far-reaching application in areas as diverse as chemical sensing, infrared imaging, accelerometry and displays."
For more information, visit: www.sandia.gov