12 Share Micrograph Competition Prize
OXFORD, England, July 19 -- The Royal Microscopical Society (RMS) said it doubled the number of award winners and categories in its International Micrograph Competition -- judged at MicroScience 2004, held last week in London -- due to an overwhelming response and additional support from microscope companies. Twelve winners were chosen from 200 entries to represent light and electron microscopy in separate life and materials science sections. They will share the £10,000 prize.
Among the winners are (clockwise from upper left): Josef Spacek, "Glasses of Champagne," a microrelief of an acrylate mounting medium artefact; Spike Walker, "The Desmid Micrasterias," apiculata at a late stage of binary fission; Frans Holthuysen, "Nanopeople," etching a silicon wafer in several steps forms freestanding single-crystalline silicon whiskers 100 micrometers long and 300 nanometers in diameter, which cluster due to capillary forces and van der Waals interactions; Dee Breeger, "Penguin Feather."
The RMS also awarded second and third prizes in each category.
For more information, visit: www.microscience2004.org.uk/competition.shtml