The universities will establish academic "centers of excellence" that will focus on fundamental issues in fusion plasma science. The centers are intended to strengthen the connection between the fusion research community and the broader scientific community. Education and training will be an integral part of each center’s research program.
The University of Maryland and UCLA will jointly host a Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics using facilities at both of the schools. With participation from Princeton University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Michigan, the center will bring together scientists with expertise in applied mathematics, theoretical and computational plasma physics and basic and performance-dominated plasma experiments. The researchers will study the interaction of microscale and macroscale dynamics in key plasma physics problems. DOE funding for the University of Maryland/UCLA-led Fusion Science Center will total $6.4 million over five years.
The University of Rochester will host the Fusion Center for Extreme States of Matter and Fast Ignition Physics. The center will develop an understanding of the physics of creating extreme states of matter using a combination of high-energy "drivers" to provide compression and high-intensity lasers to provide heat. The center will involve participation of MIT, General Atomics, University of California at San Diego, Ohio State University, UCLA and the University of Texas at Austin, with collaboration from the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration programs at the University of Rochester and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. DOE funding for the University of Rochester-led center will total $5.5 million over five years.
The DOE said the fusion science centers are a response to recommendations of the National Research Council’s Report, "An Assessment of the Department of Energy’s Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Program."
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