The Incriminator uses the 532-nm output from a frequency-doubled Nd:YV04 laser to reveal fingerprints that have been glue-fumed and highlighted with rhodamine 6G. This is also an optimum wavelength for exciting ninhydrin, another fluorescent material commonly used to find and image fingerprints on porous surfaces that are not compatible with glue fuming.
The portable system is based on Coherent's Verdi laser. Light is delivered to a trigger-grip handpiece through an armored fiber-optic enclosed within a waterproof umbilical connector. This umbilical also incorporates a link between the handpiece and the laser, allowing a safety shutter inside the laser to be controlled by the handpiece trigger.
It can be used to locate fingerprints, fibers, body fluids, bone fragments, tooth chips, narcotics residue and a variety of other trace evidence, even in high-ambient-light environments. A number of crime labs currently use the Incriminator, including numerous police departments as well as federal law-enforcement groups such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
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