Daily News Briefs
Edmund Industrial Optics, (EO) a Barrington, N.J.-based supplier of optics and optical components, has released its 2004 European and Asia-Pacific optics catalogs. The four 340-page catalogs -- two for the UK (with prices in pounds or euros), one for Germany (euros) and one for the Asia-Pacific region (Singapore dollars) -- provide more than 200 new products along with product information, primers and selection guides. For more information, visit:
www.edmundoptics.com . . . A procedure to treat thoracic aortic aneurysms under fluoroscopic guidance, also known as stent grafting, is just one of the live surgeries that can be viewed at
OR-live.com. Take in a radical prostatectomy performed via robotic surgery using Hartford Hospital's da Vinci system, gastric bypasses at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center and Atlantic City Medical Center or laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication to prevent acid reflux at the Nebraska Medical Center, among other cutting-edge productions. The site also offers archived broadcasts -- which include surgeon interviews (and referral/appointment links) -- and free viewer downloads.