Daily News Briefs
Zygo Corp. announced it has shipped the first of its CP300 optical metrology systems, based on its TopSlice thin-film measuring technology, to a US chip maker under a purchase agreement that provides for the delivery of up to five more units. Zygo, based in Middlefield, Conn., supplies optical metrology instruments, precision optics and electro-optical design and manufacturing services to the semiconductor capital equipment and industrial industries.
. . .Bernard Kolodziej has been appointed vice president of finance of x-ray systems developer
Bruker AXS, a Madison, Wisc.-based operating company of Bruker BioSciences Corp., a mass spectrometry tool manufacturer in Billerica, Mass. Kolodziej joined Bruker AXS in 1997 and has been CFO of European operations since 1999.
. . .Agilent Technologies Inc. and Partners HealthCare System have announced a one-year agreement for Agilent to provide microarray and gene expression products to Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital. Partners HealthCare is the parent organization for the hospitals. Agilent will supply gene expression instrumentation, including a scanner for analyzing microarrays and a bioanalyzer for evaluating sample quality. The agreement also determines pricing for Partners HealthCare's hospitals to purchase analytical tools and instruments from Agilent's Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis group, including liquid and gas chromatographs, mass spectrometers, microarrays, microfluidic devices and associated software, columns, reagents and supplies.