The Virtual Laser Keyboard is compatible with Palm, Pocket PCs, laptops and desktop PCs. The device weighs two ounces and is about the size of a disposable cigarette lighter. The keyboard employs a USB/serial cable connection to communicate with the PDA or PC. Future models will incorporate Bluetooth and/or IR Wireless Connections to a variety of devices, IBIZ saids. It retails for $100 and includes a self-contained, rechargeable lithium ion battery that provides it with its own internal power supply -- so it doesn't drain power from a PDA, for example. The company said the battery lasts three to four hours, or the device can be plugged directly into an A/C outlet.
The company said the virtual keybaord is just as responsive as regular keyboards and that it can even be used in well-lit areas. It said it's a good choice for workplaces with clean rooms, in medical facilities, or in any industry that requires a dirt-free environment -- or, presumably, for anyone who's fed up with crumbs, dirt and germs accumulating in keyboards, sometimes to the point of disabling them.
An upcoming version for cell phones will be available later this year.
IBIZ said it will be making delivery on the first units in approximately 30 days.
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