Daily News Briefs
LEDs for airfields, medical imaging systems, gas sensors that warn of imminent asthma attacks and head-up displays for automative applications -- these are some of the innovations of
Siemens research and development employees who will receive the company's annual inventors awards today at its Munich headquarters. The winners include
Heinz-Bernhard Abel, of Siemens VDO Automotive AG, Babenhausen, Germany, for developing displays that appear on a car's dashboard;
Herbert Bruder and
Karl Stierstorfer, of Medical Solutions, Forchheim, Germany, for their work in medical imagining, including their development of algorithms to compute images in a multislice computer tomograph;
Maximilian Fleischer, of Corporate Technology, in Munich, for his work leading to new gas-sensor applications, including devices that will anticipate an asthma attack by analyzing the air a patient exhales;
Frank Mademann and
Karl Schrodi of Information and Communication Networks, Munich, for their developments of mobile communication standards and of resource control in IP-based data packet switching, respectively; and
Jean-Claude Vandevoorde, of Industrial Solutions and Services, in Zaventem, Belgium, developer of LEDs used in airfield lighting systems.