Memscap Purchases Opsitech SA
To strengthen its optical expertise, microelectromechanical systems provider Memscap of San Jose, Calif., will acquire integrated optics specialist Opsitech SA of Grenoble, France. Opsitech is a spin-off of Laboratoire d'Electronique et des Technologies de l'Information (LETI) of the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA). Achieved with the support of CEA-LETI, the acquisition will enable Memscap to gain team expertise and access to the French organization's intellectual property in silicon integrated optics technologies through a license and research and development agreement. In turn, the arrangement will help consolidate the micro- and nanotechnology center of expertise in Grenoble. The international headquarters of Memscap is in nearby Crolles.
Memscap will issue €3.75 million in common shares to Opsitech's shareholders upon the closing of the transaction.