Daily News Briefs
Frederick Mullavey has been named director of quality at
Janos Technology Inc., a Townshend, Vt.-based precision optics manufacturer.
. . . The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released a an electronic mass measurement training course to alleviate a training backlog of officials from government and industrial mass calibration laboratories. The free CD-ROM covers NIST’s basic one-week mass metrology courses. It is designed to introduce mass metrology newcomers to the field; as supplementary training for those who have taken a metrology course and want to review their knowledge before entering the laboratory environment; or as a refresher for laboratory staff unfamiliar with the latest measuring techniques. To obtain The Basic Mass Metrology CD-ROM (NIST Special Publication 1001), call NIST at 301-975-4004; E-mail:
owm@nist.gov. A Spanish version is under development.
. . . Zafar Ahmad has been promoted to vice president North America, of
Photronics Inc., a photomask manufacturer. Ahmed was previously director of operations at Photronics' Austin facility and has also served as the site director at its Manchester, England, facility.