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Nortel CEO Urges Business Without Boundaries

GENEVA, Switzerland, Oct. 15 -- Frank Dunn, president and CEO of Nortel Networks, told telecommunications industry leaders today that global communications has reached an important "inflection point" that will lead to a new era of information richness, mobility, control for users and "business without boundaries," in his keynote address at ITU Telecom World 2003, being held this week in Geneva. The exhibition is sponsored by the International Telecommunication Union.

"The smarter, more adaptable network has to be 'always on,' accessible anytime from any place and be inherently voice plus multimedia in any combination, with convenience and cost economies," Dunn said. "And for that to happen, the boundaries between public and private, wireline and wireless and voice and data networks have to be eliminated."

According to Nortel Networks, the key elements of a more intelligent, high-speed, multipurpose global network include broadband and optical technologies, voice over packet, wireless data, multimedia services and applications, and security, all underpinned by a packet network core. These technologies will enrich global communications in ways that will have a significant impact on how people will be able to connect with information and with each other across boundaries, time zones and cultures.

Dunn said the telecom industry has to continue focusing on technology and innovation as the cornerstone for creating new revenue opportunities, and that a vibrant telecom sector is vital to the success of all national economies and the networked global economy.

He said enriching global communications and creating new sources of revenue will also require a regulatory environment that encourages investment in research and development, innovation and network transformation.

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