For more information, visit: . . . Harris Corp. announced it has approved an agreement with the University of Florida College of Engineering in Gainesville, Fla., to promote research and development in a variety of engineering fields. . . . BTG has announced a collaboration agreement with Union Chemical Laboratories, of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), in Hsinchu, Taiwan, to develop and commercialize a patented light-emitting polymer technology for flexible organic/polymer light-emitting diode (OLED/PLED) information displays. The portfolio of patents and patent applications, licensed to BTG by Ohio State University, covers devices, fabrication processes and materials designed to enable the production of OLED/PLED information displays with enhanced performance and extended product life. Under the collaboration, BTG and ITRI will contribute know-how, technical staff, laboratory facilities and specialized equipment and funding for development of the technology. The project will begin at Ohio State's MicroMD Laboratory, where a team of researchers will work in the chemistry and clean-room facilities to develop the technology into initial functional prototypes. Further development will take place at UCL.