Sensors Unlimited's high-resolution InGaAs shortwave infrared (SWIR) night vision camera will be used in DARPA's multispectral adaptive networked tactical imaging sensor (MANTIS) program. The goal of MANTIS is to provide soldiers with multispectral imaging information while exploiting network access for collaborative visualization between soldiers. The US Army's Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate will monitor the contract.
The camera system will be small, lightweight, low-power and capable of transmitting RS-170-compatible video as well as 14-bit digital imagery, the company said. The all-solid-state system is antiblooming and contains variable gain, permitting the camera to be used during day and night operations.
"The high resolution and high sensitivity will detect a camouflaged man at 100 m under starlight-only conditions," said Martin H. Ettenberg, director of imaging products at Sensors Unlimited.
"This is the next generation in night vision imaging technology, and will enable the US to continue its dominance in military imaging," said Chris Dries, vice president of research and development. "This contract underscores the military's confidence in our technological innovations and our commitment to imaging in the SWIR wavelength band."
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