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Students to Gather for Lucent Scholars Summit

MURRAY HILL, N.J., July 14 -- Twenty-four international students will join 23 US students here later this month for Lucent Technologies' fifth annual Global Science Scholars Summit.

The 47 students, winners of the Lucent Global Science Scholars Program, will gather July 25 at the company's world headquarters for a week of activities and projects. The program is an annual academic competition for students who demonstrate excellence in the sciences and plan to pursue a career in information and communications technologies. In addition to attending the summit, the winning scholars also receive a scholarship and, where possible, a paid Lucent internship in their country the year following their selection.

The scholars from outside the US are first- and second-year university students, and those from the US are high school seniors. The Lucent Foundation announced the US-based Global Science Scholars on May 1.

The students will meet with Nobel Prize-winning scientists Horst Stormer, who in 1998 shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect, and Robert Wilson, who in 1978 was cited for his role in the discovery of the faint background radiation remaining from the "big bang" explosion that gave birth to the universe billions of years ago.

They will also have an opportunity to meet with senior Lucent executives and will work alongside Bell Labs scientists conducting research into areas such as silicon micromachines and plastic electronics. Based on their investigations, students will prepare presentations about their observations and findings.

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